I was reading a lot about LoRa the last days and I feel a little bit lost.
I’m wondering what would be the best solution for users of this project to collect data from LoRa clients and submit it to swarm.hiveeyes.org. This thread should help to get a overview of possible hardware / software combinations and I will extend the informations from time to time.
As far as I understand there are multiple possible hardware / software combinations we could use:
- Arduino with old MCU (ESP8266, Atmega328, …) with software based LoRa (LMIC)
- Only with one channel non-standard LoRa.
- Very short on resources, difficult to run a gateway on.
- cheap
- Arduino with modern MCU (ESP32, Cortex M0?). with software based LoRa
- Can we run full LoRa software Implementation with multichannel? Are there libs available for this?
- Should be possible to run as gateway.
- cheap
- Arduino with old MCU and hardware based LoRa
- Full standard compatible LoRa with multichannel
- Short on resources, difficult to run as gateway
- Expensive LoRa modules
- Arduino with modern MCU and hardware based LoRa
- Full standard compatible LoRa with multichannel
- Enough resources for Gateway?
- Expensive
- Rasberry Pie with software based LoRa
- Can we run full LoRa software Implementation with multichannel? Are there libs available for this?
- cheap
- full linux, enough resources for gateway mode.
- Maybe collecting audio files … and more
- webserver possible
- Rasberry Pie with hardware based LoRa
- expensive
- most complete solution (?)
- and all other benefits of RasPie.
Just a very rough list. Would be great to fill this with more info, maybe as a Wiki page. What is not clear to me currently: is there a software based LoRa solution that supports multicannel and auto group selection? (or what is it called, don’t remember) just like the hardware based solutions with a full official LoRaWAN™ protocol stack?
Would RasPie based solution be the better platform for a gateway or would a modern MCU Arduino be good enough too?
Again, I’m very new to the topic and many of my observations may be wrong. Please tell me and I correct any mistakes.