Wie bekomme ich bei Erst-Inbetriebnahme des FiPys meine WLAN-Zugangsdaten aufs Gerät?

Um z.B. per FTP die ersten Dateien auf den FiPy zu schieben, muss der zuerst im lokalen Netz sein. Hier einige überlegungen, wie man das anstellen kann:

via USB

“Klassisch” erst mal per USB anschließen und so MicroPython-Code mit den eigenen WLAN-Zugangsdaten auf den FiPy brinen, Reset und der FiPy loggt sich ins lokale WLAN ein.

via AP-Mode

Adafruit geht hier über den (default bei Neugeräten!) AP-Mode die – hier – WiPy:


The WiPy board boots into WiFi AP mode, so it creates its own WiFi network when it starts up. This is part of the factory
firmware. The WiPi will be at the IP address The WiFi network will be named wipy-wlan-something where
“something” is a small set of hex numbers. Connect your laptop’s WiFi to that network using the password
www.wipy.io (I have not found a way to change this default)


This is fipy-wlan-de44 for the libero device and fipy-wlan-42bc for the egg one. The last four characters are actually the last four characters of its STA MAC address 80:7d:3a:c3:42:bc.

This is www.pycom.io for the FiPy devices running firmware 1.20.x on my desktop.

The bootstrapping process offered by Espressif ESP-TOUCH protocol / Smart Config technology looks ridiculously simple. However, it is a) proprietary (don’t care if it works) and b) might not be available on the Pycom platform yet. Research welcome.

Some more investigations about the AP names and credentials on different boards:

I tested a LoPy4 out of the box, it opens an AP with the default SSID
lopy4-wlan-6f88 and the password seems also to be www.pycom.io also.

Thanks. Let’s also create an infamous Wiki’ed table for that – like MAC-Adressierungs-Schema der PyCom-Boards.

Device SSID Password
WiPy wipy-wlan-ffff www.wipy.io
LoPy4 lopy4-wlan-6f88 www.pycom.io
FiPy fipy-wlan-42bc www.pycom.io