If this error will not go away, you might well consider going back to the official pybytes firmware…
Sorry again, we are also just doing trial-and-error here on a regular basis. However, there are things indicating there might be something fishy under the hood.
Coming back from there, we built firmware images for the FiPy and the LoPy4 using
I can’t tell for sure whether this makes any difference at all as the FiPy on my workbench has been running pretty stable even before without that setting.
Thanks for letting us know. Are you sure you are running the latest version from master or did you make some modifications locally? At line 329, we are seeing an empty line there.
However, we just added [1] and [2] to mitigate all conditions when accessing a sensor object connected to a bus object which has been disabled through the configuration settings.
Again I saw these core panics also with the unicore firmware. It starts happening after about 10 times flashing the device after PWRON. After dis/reconnecting the device from/to power the error is gone, likely until the next 10 flash procedures.
If you are getting sick of this, we might want to go for more advanced and efficient methods bringing the source code to the device with less overhead.
I am using the one-stop
make recycle-ng MPY_CROSS=true MPY_TARGET=pycom MPY_VERSION=1.11
these days and would never look back. The background about why this is way more efficient is that it’s using FTP instead of raw REPL for transferring the files and that it will compile the sourcecode to bytecode before, reducing the overall size of stuff to be shipped to the device significantly.
$ du -sch dist-packages terkin
596K total
$ du -sch lib-mpy-1.11-pycom
352K total
How to
This currently requires a network connection over WiFi with the IP address of the device stored in .terkin/floatip like
$ cat .terkin/floatip
For automating this, I am using
make terkin-agent action=maintain macs=80:7d:3a:c2:de:44 # libero
to find the device’s IP address and
make connect-wifi ssid=GartenNetzwerk password=<redacted>
to actually get the device into the network if required.
These guys are listed in requirements-terkin-agent.txt already. Just run
make setup-terkin-agent
Sorry that we haven’t documented each and every bit of these details yet. You are probably one of the first people running Linux who would like to use that infrastructure.
we just released [1]. It includes some additional fixes on the ESP-IDF level and might also add some improvements on stability. For more details, enjoy [2].
Hallo zusammen,
bei meinen Versuchen den Terkin-Datalogger auf meinem LoPy4 zum Laufen zu bekommen (hier noch per Atom+Pymakr) bin ich mit der Releaseversion 2019-08-19 0.6.0 auf folgenden Fehler beim Upload auf den LoPy gestoßen, den @clemens auch schon mal hier angesprochen hat:
Auf dem LoPy4 habe ich dafür bei meinen Versuchen diverse Firmwares probiert, von der neuesten LoPy4-1.20.2.rc6-0.10.1-vanilla-squirrel.tar.gz bis zu einer 1.20.1.r1, alle mit dem selben Fehler.
Meine ersten Versuche mit der Sandbox dann endeten mit einem Connection Timeout zum LoPy, sobald ich make sketch-and-run gestartet habe.