Publications about Bee Behaviour in Consideration of Vibration

Schwarmverhalten mit Beschleunigungssensoren messen

[ging von Andreas am 12.11.2016 über die Mailingliste]

beim Stöbern im alten OSBH Forum [1] bin ich auf eine Methode gestoßen, die verspricht, Vorhersagen über das Schwarmverhalten über die Auswertung der Vibrationen durch Beschleunigungssensoren (accelerometers) ziehen zu können. Die wissenschaftliche Arbeit dazu [2] wurde bei Elsevier im Journal »Computers and Electronics in Agriculture« [3] publiziert.

In our work these vibrations were sensed by two accelerometers
secured onto the outer wall of two separate hives, approximately
3 m away from one other, each comprising of a healthy colony of
Apis mellifera honey bees. We are focusing on analysing this ‘by-
product’ of honey bee activity, to show that it comprises of complex
global information, rather than taking the microscopic approach of
exploring the insect’s individual communication process.

We present one method for processing this raw data in order
to extract a specific time varying signature comprising 10 inde-
pendent components, and demonstrate that this can be applied to
identify and predict the swarming process several days in advance.

[1] Beehive Audio Field Recording Kits - Open Source Beehives Project Forum bei Beitrag #8.
[2] Paper: Identification of the honey bee swarming process by analysing the time course of
hive vibrations

[3] Journal: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

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Hi Clemens, contains some nice overview, as well as references.


image: accelerometer on comb