Dear Lorenzo,
thank you so much for this information. The latter two links just offer phenology information regarding blooming periods with monthly granularity, right? Additionally, we would have to parse the PDF file, which would not be easy as it is designed in a way which is more graphical than textual.
But - to the rescue! - really does offer an API-based access to this information under the hood, which is great!
Accessing the relevant endpoints using HTTPie is easy after looking at the request data in the developer tools widget offered by contemporary browsers, just try that:
http POST '' \
Content-Type:application/json-rpc id:=3 method='pLANTE' \
params:='[0,150,0,150,null,1,null,1,null,1,null,1,null,1,null,1,null,1,53,0,"null",1]' \
--print HBhb
Auxiliary information can be retrieved by additional calls like:
echo '{"params":["botaniqueDB","",null,{"properties":["id"],"filters":["id.idPlante=167"],"matchMode":"start","ignoreCase":false},{"orderBy":["desc: "]}],"method":"read","id":18}' | \
http POST '' \
Content-Type:application/json-rpc --print HBhb
The API offers phenology/blooming information with calendar-week granularity. I am confident we can unlock the data reasonably after putting in a manageable amount of time into further investigation and implementation work.
Let’s schedule that as a task to add a second data source to our phenodata program to approach goals we outlined in this topic (Phänologischer Kalender) and in [RFC] Neue InfluxDB Datenquelle "BIENENJAHR".
Thanks again and cheers,