Automatic cross posts on Twitter and Facebook

Hi Leute, wir würden gerne unsere Fans kennen lernen! ;-) Wir rätseln gerade wer so nett war und den Twitter-Account hive_eyes eingerichtet hat?!

Unser Facebook-Account dümpelt auch so vor sich hin und da wäre ähnliches - unserenen RSS latest per IFTTT als posts bei Facebook einbinden - genau richtig!

Ah that was me… Just using Twitter as a Rss client. If you’d like the password let me know.

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Great, do you think this is for Facebook also possible? Should I add you as admin to our Facebook group?

Hi, finally I got it. I added you as “editor” to Hiveeyes’ Facebook page. Feel free to add some automatism – like in the Twitter case – to add new posts from on Facebook also!

And also feel free to move on Twitter from “unofficial fan account” to “official Hiveeyes account”! ;-)

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Dear @permagriculture,

as new posts to the Discourse forum started to appear on Redirecting... already, i assume you also connected the Facebook account using IFTTT? Thanks for that!

Can i humbly ask you to have a look at a little detail there? Currently, we are seeing things like:



There’s the URL to some potential image before the actual title of the post. Can we just get rid of this link at this place? If a post actually contains a custom image, it will already get embedded into the card, like seen here:

Thanks again and cheers,

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The broken image link should be gone now…

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On the most recent posts to the Facebook page, everything is looking good now. Thanks a bunch, Sam!

Dear Sam (@permagriculture),

as we just have been to Bits & Bäume Konferenz 2018 an der TU Berlin, the Twitter account might happen to receive some PM-like tweets - maybe it also did in the past already?

Maybe you could share the password with us to make us able to receive such things? Thanks in advance!

With kind regards,