Looking at Grafana 6

As Grafana 6.0 Beta1 has been released today, we want to share http://docs.grafana.org/guides/whats-new-in-v6-0/. Enjoy!

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There’s an instance now at https://weather.hiveeyes.org/grafana6/.

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Hi there,

while Grafana 6.1.0 is in the making, we upgraded our staging instance from Grafana 6.0.0 to Grafana 6.1.0 and its plugins to their most recent versions.

Grafana 6.1.0-pre

Before: Grafana v6.0.0-beta1 (commit: d7f81c4)
After:  Grafana v6.1.0-pre   (commit: fd8d45f)


/opt/grafana6/bin/grafana-cli --pluginsDir /opt/grafana6/data/plugins plugins upgrade-all

Before | After


After the installation, the whole configuration (database and plugins) from the current production instance has been copied to the new one:

cp /opt/grafana-6.0.0-beta1/conf/defaults.ini /opt/grafana-6.1.0-072806e4pre/conf/defaults.ini
cp -r /var/lib/grafana/* /opt/grafana-6.1.0-072806e4pre/data/


It’s still sitting at Grafana6 at weather.hiveeyes.org. Enjoy!


P.S.: As we might happen to be avid “Heatmap Panel” users, please have a look at Some bugs and potential improvements with heatmap panel · Issue #15683 · grafana/grafana · GitHub.

A post was split to a new topic: Grafana-worldmap-panel custom edition

1. Broken discrete plot


2. Bienenwetter

Ist hier beim Neuzugang https://weather.hiveeyes.org/grafana6/d/plVhGKdik/bienenwetter-freiland-potsdam alles koscher? Auch bei den Panels in den eingeklappten Bereichen?

Funktioniert alles schön.

Leider hat sich das Verhalten des Grafana-buttons links oben geändert: bei der bisherigen Version klappt es die left bar zu (wollte ich @clemens empfehlen, damit das boom-panel mehr Platz hat), und bei der 6 ist da die base url dahinter. Kannst Du bitte mal nachsehen, ob es da ein einstellbares Verhalten beim config gibt?


Hi @weef,

Ich hab hier leider nichts entdecken können, auch im grafana/CHANGELOG.md at main · grafana/grafana · GitHub findet sich nichts über ein geändertes Verhalten, was ins Auge sticht. Folgende Literatur gibt es zum Thema:

Ich glaube derzeit wird das einfach über den View-Mode (Full, Kiosk, TV, whatever) gesteuert, also dort:


Viele Grüße,

Grafana 6 befindet sich grade ordentlich in der Ausreifungsphase. Fixes all over the place. Siehe

Might be related:

Upgrading to Grafana 6.1.3


wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana-6.1.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd /opt
tar -xzf ~/install/grafana-6.1.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz


After the installation, the whole configuration (database and plugins) from the current production instance has been copied to the new one

mkdir /opt/grafana-6.1.3/data
cp -r /var/lib/grafana/* /opt/grafana-6.1.3/data/

while the configuration file has been reused from grafana-6.1.0 we have been running before

cp grafana-6.1.0-072806e4pre/conf/defaults.ini grafana-6.1.3/conf/defaults.ini


chown -R grafana:grafana /opt/grafana-6.1.3

Switching gears

Watch logfile

tail -F /opt/grafana6/data/log/grafana.log

Perform switchover

systemctl stop grafana6-server

cd /opt
rm grafana6
ln -sf grafana-6.1.3 grafana6

/opt/grafana6/bin/grafana-cli --pluginsDir /opt/grafana6/data/plugins plugins upgrade-all

systemctl start grafana6-server

Falls wir den Direktlink verloren haben, hier ist er wieder: https://weather.hiveeyes.org/grafana6/

Grafana 6.1.4 (2019-04-16)

Bug Fixes

grafana/CHANGELOG.md at main · grafana/grafana · GitHub

Grafana 6.2.0 (2019-05-22)

Today, Grafana 6.2 has been released. Enjoy reading the release notes and browsing the demos.

Demo Dashboard new-features-in-v6-2.

Neue Einstellungen

Mindestens ab Grafana 6.2. Gerade angewendet auf https://weather.hiveeyes.org/grafana6/. Merci, @wtf.

[panels] configuration setting

# If set to true Grafana will allow script tags in text panels.
# Not recommended as it enable XSS vulnerabilities.
disable_sanitize_html = true

# Set to true if you want to test alpha plugins 
# that are not yet ready for general usage.
enable_alpha = true

allow_embedding security setting

# Set to true if you want to allow browsers to render Grafana
# in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>. Default is false.
allow_embedding = true

A look back in time:
Grafana Labs at 5: How We Got Here and Where We’re Going | Grafana Labs