Upgrading to Discourse 2.8.0.beta7

Hi there,

we will be upgrading the Discourse software running this forum from 2.7.0.beta8 to 2.8.0.beta6. Enjoy reading about all the updates and improvements below. Kudos to the Discourse team.

While the upgrade is taking place, the site will not be available. We ask for your understanding.

With kind regards,

Out of those many improvements, I would like to highlight two specific ones I stumbled upon the other day:

The upgrade has been concluded. Please let us know of any issues you might observe.

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I just upgraded to Discourse 2.8.0.beta7.

The RCE NVD - CVE-2021-41163 has been fixed.

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Fast edit ist ein schönes UX feature, das besonders bei langen posts hilft Kleinigkeiten wie typos oder kleinere Umstellungen sehr schnell und mit wenig Sucherei zu erledigen!

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