Truncating series in InfluxDB 1.x databases

Hi there,

sometimes, you did some testing on a data acquisition channel managed by Kotori, for example while ramping up your device on your workbench. Then, you move into production and would like to delete all data acquired during the testing phase.

While we already reported how to delete particular data points from an InfluxDB 1.x series at Ausreißer erkennen und ggf. beheben (Backend) - #4 by Andreas and Removing a weird reading from InfluxDB - #2 by Andreas, we now want to outline how to delete readings spanning a time range.

# Invoke InfluxDB client for interacting with specific database.
$ influx -precision rfc3339 -database hiveeyes_foobar

# Delete readings.
> DELETE FROM research_node_5_sensors WHERE time < '2021-10-29T08:40:00Z';

With kind regards,