Grafana dashboard refresh interval taming

Hallo in die Runde,

aufgrund sich häufender Nachfragen (danke, @weef!) ist das jetzt mal so wie hier beschrieben [1] im Kasten [2]:


The default dashboard refresh interval of 5 seconds is important
for instant-on workbench operations. However, the update interval
is usually just about 5 minutes after the sensor node is in the field.


Having high refresh rates on many dashboards can increase the overall
system usage significantly, depending on how many users are displaying
them in their browsers and the complexity of the database queries
issued when rendering the dashboard.


In order to reduce the overall load on the data acquisition system,
the refresh interval of dashboards not updated since a configurable
threshold time is decreased according to rules of built-in presets.

The default “standard” preset currently implements the following rules:

  • Leave all dashboards completely untouched which have been updated during the last 14 days
  • Apply a refresh interval of 5 minutes for all dashboards having the “live” tag
  • Completely disable refreshing for all dashboards having the “historical” tag
  • Apply a refresh interval of 30 minutes for all other dashboards

Habt Ihr Einwände oder weitere Vorschläge, bevor das im neuen Release kommen wird?

Viele Grüße!

[1] Document the dashboard refresh interval taming mechanism
[2] Implement sensible rules for dashboard refresh interval taming

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Ich halte das für sinnvoll und pragmatisch. Danke

Das passt auf jeden Fall! Wenn du auf Werte wartest, wartest du auch keine 5 Sekunden, spndern drückst F5 … ;-) 5 Minuten finde ich mehr als ok!

wunderbar, so lassen. Danke!

Exzellent, herzlichen Dank für Eure Rückmeldungen!

As reported by @weef the other day, this feature seems to not work properly yet, so we have to revisit it during the next development iteration. Thanks for watching this area, @weef!