Mellisphera is now open source

Dear HiveEyes community,
I am happy to announce that Mellisphera is now open source.
We’ve released our version 1.0 branded as MelliHealth under the Apache2 license.
MelliHealth is a rich frontend build with Angular linked with a Java API together with MongoDb.

If you want to see it under operation, simply create an account and take a tour of the demo apiary.
V1.0 is our first prototype, we’re currently working to build v2.0 with an improved UX. Hopefully ready this summer for testing.

Of course, any feedback will be appreciated!


Dear @lorenzo, @Geraldine and all others from Mellisphera,

congratulations for publishing your software under the terms of an open source license. As an open source oriented community we appreciate that decision very much and wish you good luck for the next steps on your journey.

Regarding the requested feedback, we just started Testing the Mellisphera application to follow up on that appropriately without adding too much noise here.

With kind regards,

A post was merged into an existing topic: Mellisphera Platform