Mapping der DNS-Diversität von Berliner Bienen als "Citizen Science"-Projekt

datensammeln an bienen, trägermedium: dna

man kann sich als berliner bienenhalter(in) bis zum 30.9.24 anmelden und 5-10 tote bienen pro stock einschicken.

was passiert mit den ergebnissen der forschung?

BeeCode will carry out a comprehensive assessment of bee diversity by integrating genetic information, phenotypic traits, hive information and geospatial mapping. The data collected and analyzed by our citizen scientists will undergo rigorous quality checks and then be summarized by our core team. These findings will be shared in biobanks, compiled into a scientific manuscript, and presented in policy briefs to inform beekeepers and interested stakeholders about the genetic diversity of bees in Berlin. All BeeCode citizen scientists will have access to their scientific data and will be recognized as co-authors in all related scientific publications.


deren Flyer dazu:

BeeCode Beekeepers Flyer.pdf (1023.4 KB)