Load cell L6E from Zemic

Hi All. :)

I’m working on a beehive scale for my small apiary. I’ve started with a proof of concept with some cheap load cells for bathroom scales and now I’m looking for something more accurate.

I look at the offers of stores in my country and I see that load cells L6E from Zemic are easily available. However, I haven’t found much information about them on the forum. I see that there is one project (Hexamon) on github which makes use of it. I wonder if you have any experience with these load cells?

I read many good opinions about Bosche H30A and I’m interested to know how the comparison of these two load cells looks like. I’ve looked at specifications but still not sure what are the differences between these two. The L6E spec contains clear information about combined error, non-linearity, non-repeatability and creep. I don’t see these pieces of information in the H30A spec.

Do you have any experience with Zemic L6E? How does it compare to H30A?

Best regards,

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Hi Adam, welcome at hiveeyes, nice to have you here! I have no experience with the L6E but we have some other Zemic load cells used, see Search results for 'Zemic' - Hiveeyes . Overall Zemic seems not better or worse than other “good” load cells. We have also found different quality levels from the same manufacturer / seller so it seems that a lot of “brand” cells are just reseller from (different?) factories. So I would give the selected load cells a try if it is good available and inexpensive. Would be nice if you can make some tests, e.g. a stable load for some days and logging ambient temperature and weight – and report it here! ;-)


Thank you Clemens. I have decided to give it a try. I will let you know how they perform. :)

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