HX711 sensitive?

Gruss, hope English is Ok :slight_smile:

I have a construct with a HX711 for weight sensor bridge. Now I suddenly have two break-out-bords bought on the net, that are not responding. Does anyone have problem with these, are they very sensitive ?
Kind regards

Hi Georg, welcome again, English is ok of course! What do you mean with “not responding”? No data flow? Sure that it is not a problem with code or wiring? Perhaps you can explain more in detail what you have tried and what the current outcome is? And what means “sensitive” as sensor sensitive, so a lot movement in the outcoming data, yes this could be because your measure raw data in a high resolution. Or sensitive regarding electricity, so easy to damage with wrong wiring, so I would say no in case you do not use too high voltage.

Hi! Well, Thanks for your reply. Im not sure now that boards are failing.
I have had a HX working for some years. Now setting up another alike construct, it is not answering. But the code that I have used (my own) was waiting for data to go low, then starting to promt bits. Now I suspect there is some minor change in communication timing, and that my code is not correct, and that I have just been lucky that it has worked. So I will have to make further tests (dont have Hw here just now).

Do you use a special library? Is your microcontroller the same? Has the Arduino IDE or ESP core or whatever you use changed?

Hi Clemens ! The “driver” i.e. code is my own, its a atmega8. I have now altered the code so that it is “always on” i.e. having SCK low between reads. I do get a value as answer, but since I dont have the weight sensors where I am currently I can not tell if the values are real good reads. but since they are consistent (at a high number) I do think it works.