Hi guys I’m a future beekeeper from northern Bavaria (Middle Frankonia) and member of a local beekeepers club. Since they bought a professional bee monitoring system from Wolf (Wolf Waagen) I investigated in building such a system by myself in affordable manner.
Luckily you guys did that before and I found your community! Thanks to all of you providing this platform and service. I really appreciate that.
Based on M.Hies bee logger (Raspberry Pi, DS18B20, CZL601) and some small modifications in have now my test system running. Hope I’ll be able to take the last obstacle and being now able to transmit my data to Grafana dashboard. Therefore many thanks to M.Hies for answering my question regarding data visualization.
Kind Regards,
Dear Markus,
welcome to Bavaria! We will assign a unique network id for your purposes later that night. In the meanwhile, feel free to publish your sensor data to the “testdrive
” channel using MQTT, which doesn’t require any authentication. We are always happy to provide further assistance getting your monitoring system up and running.
With kind regards,
Hi Markus, sehr cool, wir Andreas und ich, sind ja schon Exilbayern - bzw. ich auch -(Unter)franke - in Berlin. Super, wenn wir die alte Heimat noch etwas supporten können.
But it is still ok to write in English so many more people can participate on this discussion.
Hi Clemens, Andreas,
besten Dank aus Franken an die Exilfranken/Exilbayern.
Freue mich in eure Community aufgenommen worden zu sein und die Plattform für die Visualisierung meiner Hiveeyes Daten nutzen zu dürfen.
Sehr coole Sache die ihr hier betreibt!
Ein Servus und habe die Ehre in die Hauptstadt,