Hallo aus Frankreich! Hello from France!

Halli hallo,
Ich bin Franzose und habe ein Paar Jahren in Deutschland gewohnt.
Ich kann noch zimmlich gut Deutsch lesen an reden, leider fählt es mir einfacher in Englisch zu schreiben.
Deshalb werde ich ab jetzt lieber auf Englisch schreiben.
Alright, this feels more natural now.
I have a strong interest in open source software since I started to use computers in the 2000’s, but I am in no way a programmer. I consider myself more of an advanced user than anything else.
I am now becoming a smallscale professional beekeeper, with around 100 hives and growing.

Again about communication, feel free to write to me in German or in English, I understand them both very well, but don’t be shocked if I answer in English.

See you around in the forum!


Bonjour roidesreines,
You might want to check my implementation which is available on github here.

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Hi hsors
I’m really not sure what you re writing about, do you mind explaining or double checking your link in the post?

If you want to build a scale and want to see what a complete implementation is, you can check what I have done. Knowing that I started from 0, this might be helpful if you also start fro scratch.

Thank you very much, but Im’ not interested in a scale, I’m more looking at the Hanimandl project.
Please see my post here:

Hello hsors,

Thank you for sharing your implementation with such great detail.
Nice work.

Best regards,