While working on Versuchsaufbau "Autonome Zelle": Solar-Feinstaub-Wetter-Vergleichsding, we are observing delays in data submission to the MQTT bus.
The delay between data publishing and reception is exactly five minutes, which matches the current measurement interval. Looking at this from a different angle could also mean that the system behaves like having an outbox queue with a single slot buffer, so when pushing yet another message in, the previous one will get sent out.
Data received on the MQTT bus using mosquitto_sub
Date: Friday, January 18, 2019 7:10:00 AM
Topic: umwelt/testdrive/foobar/node-5/data.json
Payload: {"time":1547791500,"adc0":0.041625,"adc1":-0.000375,"adc2":3.288,"adc3":5.05575,"s_bme_t":17.27,"s_bme_h":52.53418,"s_bme_p":1008.824,"wifi_rssi":-55}
but the unix epoch 1547791500
received here as a timestamp is actually
Friday, January 18, 2019 7:05:00 AM GMT+01:00
So, there’s the delay of exactly five minutes: We are receiving a message at 07:10 which presumably had been submitted at 07:05 already. We can confirm this by having watched the serial output on the device itself. Weird!
We are absolutely clueless about the origin of the problem yet. Wir tippen auf das Kabel.