B-GOOD -- research program on bee health

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Here a quick overview of B-GOOD and BEEP role:

B-GOOD: support decision making process for beekeepers (2019-2023)

Project aim
The aim of B-GOOD is to support beekeepers by making better informed decisions. This pan-European project receives funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under agreemeent No 817622 and will run for four years.

The BEEP foundation is a consortium partner and work package leader in the B-GOOD project. B-GOOD started mid 2019 under leadership of the Ghent University. BEEP works closely with Wageningen Research and the other 15 partners to incorporate the BEEP platform in the project and further expand and improve it over the duration of the project.

BEEP’s part
Usage and expansion of the BEEP app including standardised checklists and protocols for research, deploy 400 BEEP bases, development data web portal, decision making model integration, technical support, contribution to project coordination.