Hi there!
This is actually my very first post here… hello world! :)
I do design of remote scale systems for some time now (father and brother do keep bees for a living…). So already had “some” designs running (and failing) in the field.
My current approach is very much different to what I can see here.
I use Raspberries in different flavours for some time now (in the old days AVRs and Cellular modems as well as these Java-running cellular modems… but that was 10+ years ago).
Software is also different… Qt flavored C++ moving JSON objects over ssl-encrypted websockets.
Seems like over engineering, but has some benefits… I can easily push commands to the remote scales for example :)
However, I think some designs might be from interest for several others out there.
I already made USB interfaces for BME280, Si7021 and the HX711 and the software can also talk to cheap 18s20-usb interfaces.
Apart from that, my new raspberry pi-hat might also be from interest…(last year I designed a nice board accepting the compute modules… guess what, Farnell does not supply them anymore!)
It has 4 lipo cells (4s configuration), a STM32F030 pretending to be a ds3231 for wake-up,rtc and house-keeping , a lipo charger and a 3A buck converter.
Anyone out there looking for such stuff???
I don’t have the designs published by now, but if there are people interested in the designs, I’ll think about that…