Hi, I spent some time over the last few months reading forum posts and the documentation, loading up my brand new LOPY4 with Terkin and BOB firmware and trying to get something working.
I have a collection of beehive monitors from all over the world but none of them meet all my needs but based on my reading so far I think hiveeyes could be the way forward.
So far I have failed to get to something that works well, so I have a few questions that will hopefully get me to a setup similar to what I have read about as the BOB Hat V6 with a backend either on the swarm site or with my own backend.
My Goal:
Remote hive monitoring using a mix of connectivity including WiFi, LORA and if I have to 4G depending on site coverage with Scales, Temp and Humidity as the primary sensors but keen to explore sound in the future. Power will be an issue but I have some batteries and panels to play around with in future.
Skills wise, I can get a PCB made, solder, build a set of scales, load firmware, use VS or Atom to modify settings, but I am unlikely to be able to fault find or write code.
Is a V6 BOB-Hat with a Pycom chip a good place to start or do I need to rethink my hardware?
I have so far used LoPy4-1.20.2.rc6-0.10.0-annapurna.tar and LoPy4-1.20.2.rc6-0.10.1-vanilla-squirrel.tar firmwares a base. Is this still the right starting point or do I need to learn some new skills and build my own firmware build?
What configuration should I look to use as the most configurable and flexible and that ideally supports my own backend as well as any activity community data logging?
Is there an up to date date guide (I cannot find one) that can help me in this journey and if not can I help to build / update one if the community can help me get going?
thanks in advance
from Australia