Research about continuous sound recording and transmitting with ESP32 over WiFi

We try to find solutions for recording (via microphone) and transmitting sound continuously (24/7), see also the corresponding topic at the BOB project, phase 1. I’d like to investigate whether this might be possible with an ESP32 over WiFi.

Best would be to record audio via I2S. Some of us did some steps with other hardware platforms based on the Cortex M0 already, see also Audio acquisition and analysis with ARM Cortex-M0 and I2S microphone and Search results for 'i2s' - Hiveeyes.

Some links:

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In the meanwhile, there is the GitHub - espressif/esp-adf: Espressif Audio Development Framework, which is released as v1.0 already. There’s a more detailed article about this piece over at Audio acquisition with Espressif ESP32 WROOM and WROVER modules.

To give this research topic a slight bump for all others arriving here. While traveling, recent research gave us these two topics the other day.