> use ldi_v2
Using database ldi_v2
> show tag keys
name: ldi_readings
> show field keys
name: ldi_readings
fieldKey fieldType
-------- ---------
P0 float
P1 float
P2 float
durP1 float
durP2 float
humidity float
max_micro float
min_micro float
pressure float
pressure_at_sealevel float
ratioP1 float
ratioP2 float
samples float
temperature float
Metadata in PostgreSQL
While you can join individual parts yourself, you should just be using the composite view ldi_network, see schema below.
weatherbase=# \d
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | ldi_network | view | hiveeyes
public | ldi_osmdata | table | hiveeyes
public | ldi_osmdata_station_id_seq | sequence | hiveeyes
public | ldi_sensors | table | hiveeyes
public | ldi_sensors_sensor_id_seq | sequence | hiveeyes
public | ldi_stations | table | hiveeyes
public | ldi_stations_station_id_seq | sequence | hiveeyes
Let us point out the synthetic composite fields you might find handy when working with station information metadata, especially when displaying location names and addresses. Please let us know when you need more fields or would like to have different values or formatting styles of address components.
weatherbase=# \d ldi_network
Column | Type | Modifiers
station_id | integer |
name | text |
latitude | double precision |
longitude | double precision |
altitude | double precision |
country | text |
geohash | text |
sensor_id | integer |
sensor_type | text |
state_and_city | text |
name_and_id | text |
country_and_countrycode | text |
state_and_country | text |
city_and_state_and_country | text |
osm_address_more | text |
osm_road | text |
osm_type | text |
osm_lat | text |
osm_licence | text |
osm_display_name | text |
osm_county | text |
osm_state | text |
osm_house_number | text |
osm_id | text |
osm_city_district | text |
osm_neighbourhood | text |
osm_lon | text |
osm_city | text |
osm_place_id | text |
osm_country | text |
osm_postcode | text |
osm_country_code | text |
osm_suburb | text |
osm_state_district | text |
osm_town | text |
osm_address29 | text |
osm_pedestrian | text |
osm_village | text |
osm_administrative | text |
osm_residential | text |
osm_industrial | text |
osm_footway | text |
osm_continent | text |
osm_region | text |
osm_path | text |
osm_cycleway | text |
osm_common | text |
osm_post_box | text |
osm_address26 | text |
Luftdatenpumpe [now] uses a PostGIS POINT to store the geoposition of LDI stations.
Basic example
-- Find specified number of nearest stations through sorting by distance,
-- display name and textual representation of coordinates.
SELECT name, ST_AsText(geopoint) AS geopoint
FROM ldi_stations
ORDER BY geopoint <-> 'POINT(9.18001 48.77844)'
Turmstraße, Stuttgart-Mitte, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DE
POINT(9.176 48.776)
Kriegsbergstraße, Stuttgart-Mitte, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DE
POINT(9.178 48.784)
Gaisburgstraße, Stuttgart-Mitte, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DE