Dear @lorenzo and @Geraldine,
Cool thing, congratulations! We are happy you found the resources you needed to get started and are also looking forward to receive some words about things we could improve, there are definitively many things to work on.
This is correct, the Mosquitto ACL for the topic "hiveeyes/testdrive/#"
allows anonymous writes, while write access to all other topics is only allowed when authenticated.
Sure, sorry it took that long! We just sent the credentials for two accounts to each of you and @Geraldine in a private message, together with an unique user id you would use instead of "testdrive"
. You are free to choose the "gateway"
and "node"
parameters at your own desire and likewise are free to establish as many channels as you like for testing, research or production purposes.
We outlined a reasonable naming convention at Hiveeyes data acquisition » Addressing:
“gateway” is your gateway identifier, it designates a sensor node location. Choose anything you like, you might use this for giving names to different sites. ¹
“node” is your sensor node identifier. Choose anything you like. This usually gets transmitted from a sensor device, so it will probably identify an individual hive. ¹
… but it’s really up to you!
Please let us know if this information is useful for you and if you have succeeded with authenticated access to the MQTT bus. Otherwise, please don’t hesitate to get back to us, we are here to help.
Have fun!
With kind regards,
¹ While you are the owner of this namespace hierarchy, remember the labels for “gateway” and “node” making up a data transmission channel will be visible on the collaborative ether. So the best thing would be to assign kind of nicknames to your sites and nodes which don’t reveal their identity and location. This helps to stay completely anonymous and in control while still recognizing the channels by sensible names on your own behalf.
P.S.: We collected some instructions about transmitting data and will just add them here for completeness as we believe you made the first steps successfully already.
Some instructions are partly in German and we are aware the documentation in general might have some gaps ;]. At least, you can use the translation button below each post to translate it into the language you have defined in your personal profile.