2019-07-31 09:47:11,368 16072 [DEBUG] - XmlConfiguration is now operational 2019-07-31 09:47:11,415 16072 [INFO ] - ============================================================ 2019-07-31 09:47:11,571 16072 [INFO ] - Chocolatey v0.10.13 2019-07-31 09:47:11,571 16072 [DEBUG] - Chocolatey is running on Windows v 10.0.18362.0 2019-07-31 09:47:11,587 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:/ProgramData/chocolatey/choco.exe.old". 2019-07-31 09:47:11,587 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe.old". 2019-07-31 09:47:11,587 16072 [DEBUG] - Command line: "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe" upgrade wget 2019-07-31 09:47:11,587 16072 [DEBUG] - Received arguments: upgrade wget 2019-07-31 09:47:11,618 16072 [DEBUG] - RemovePendingPackagesTask is now ready and waiting for PreRunMessage. 2019-07-31 09:47:11,634 16072 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PreRunMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2019-07-31 09:47:11,634 16072 [DEBUG] - [Pending] Removing all pending packages that should not be considered installed... 2019-07-31 09:47:11,665 16072 [DEBUG] - Performing validation checks. 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - Global Configuration Validation Checks: 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - - Package Exit Code / Exit On Reboot = Checked 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - System State Validation Checks: 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - Reboot Requirement Checks: 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - - Pending Computer Rename = Checked 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - - Pending Component Based Servicing = Checked 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Auto Update = Checked 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - - Pending File Rename Operations = Checked 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Package Installer = Checked 2019-07-31 09:47:11,681 16072 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Package Installer SysWow64 = Checked 2019-07-31 09:47:11,696 16072 [INFO ] - 2 validations performed. 2 success(es), 0 warning(s), and 0 error(s). 2019-07-31 09:47:11,696 16072 [DEBUG] - The source 'https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/' evaluated to a 'normal' source type 2019-07-31 09:47:11,696 16072 [DEBUG] - NOTE: Hiding sensitive configuration data! Please double and triple check to be sure no sensitive data is shown, especially if copying output to a gist for review. 2019-07-31 09:47:11,696 16072 [DEBUG] - Configuration: CommandName='upgrade'| CacheLocation='C:\Users\mail\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey'| ContainsLegacyPackageInstalls='True'| CommandExecutionTimeoutSeconds='2700'|WebRequestTimeoutSeconds='30'| Sources='https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/'|SourceType='normal'| Debug='False'|Verbose='False'|Trace='False'|Force='False'|Noop='False'| HelpRequested='False'|UnsuccessfulParsing='False'|RegularOutput='True'| QuietOutput='False'|PromptForConfirmation='True'|AcceptLicense='False'| AllowUnofficialBuild='False'|Input='wget'|AllVersions='False'| SkipPackageInstallProvider='False'|PackageNames='wget'| Prerelease='False'|ForceX86='False'|OverrideArguments='False'| NotSilent='False'|ApplyPackageParametersToDependencies='False'| ApplyInstallArgumentsToDependencies='False'|IgnoreDependencies='False'| AllowMultipleVersions='False'|AllowDowngrade='False'| ForceDependencies='False'|Information.PlatformType='Windows'| Information.PlatformVersion='10.0.18362.0'| Information.PlatformName='Windows 10'| Information.ChocolateyVersion=''| Information.ChocolateyProductVersion='0.10.13'| Information.FullName='choco, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79d02ea9cad655eb'| Information.Is64BitOperatingSystem='True'| Information.Is64BitProcess='True'|Information.IsInteractive='True'| Information.UserName='mail'|Information.UserDomainName='XPS13-CGRUBER'| Information.IsUserAdministrator='True'| Information.IsUserSystemAccount='False'| Information.IsUserRemoteDesktop='False'| Information.IsUserRemote='True'| Information.IsProcessElevated='True'| Information.IsLicensedVersion='False'|Information.LicenseType='Foss'| Features.AutoUninstaller='True'|Features.ChecksumFiles='True'| Features.AllowEmptyChecksums='False'| Features.AllowEmptyChecksumsSecure='True'| Features.FailOnAutoUninstaller='False'| Features.FailOnStandardError='False'|Features.UsePowerShellHost='True'| Features.LogEnvironmentValues='False'|Features.LogWithoutColor='False'| Features.VirusCheck='False'| Features.FailOnInvalidOrMissingLicense='False'| Features.IgnoreInvalidOptionsSwitches='True'| Features.UsePackageExitCodes='True'| Features.UseEnhancedExitCodes='True'| Features.UseFipsCompliantChecksums='False'| Features.ShowNonElevatedWarnings='True'| Features.ShowDownloadProgress='True'| Features.StopOnFirstPackageFailure='False'| Features.UseRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades='False'| Features.IgnoreUnfoundPackagesOnUpgradeOutdated='False'| Features.SkipPackageUpgradesWhenNotInstalled='False'| Features.RemovePackageInformationOnUninstall='False'| Features.ExitOnRebootDetected='False'| Features.LogValidationResultsOnWarnings='True'| Features.ScriptsCheckLastExitCode='False'| ListCommand.LocalOnly='False'| ListCommand.IdOnly='False'|ListCommand.IncludeRegistryPrograms='False'| ListCommand.PageSize='25'|ListCommand.Exact='False'| ListCommand.ByIdOnly='False'|ListCommand.ByTagOnly='False'| ListCommand.IdStartsWith='False'|ListCommand.OrderByPopularity='False'| ListCommand.ApprovedOnly='False'| ListCommand.DownloadCacheAvailable='False'| ListCommand.NotBroken='False'| ListCommand.IncludeVersionOverrides='False'| UpgradeCommand.FailOnUnfound='False'| UpgradeCommand.FailOnNotInstalled='False'| UpgradeCommand.NotifyOnlyAvailableUpgrades='False'| UpgradeCommand.ExcludePrerelease='False'| NewCommand.AutomaticPackage='False'| NewCommand.UseOriginalTemplate='False'|SourceCommand.Command='unknown'| SourceCommand.Priority='0'|SourceCommand.BypassProxy='False'| SourceCommand.AllowSelfService='False'| SourceCommand.VisibleToAdminsOnly='False'| FeatureCommand.Command='unknown'|ConfigCommand.Command='unknown'| ApiKeyCommand.Remove='False'|PinCommand.Command='unknown'| OutdatedCommand.IgnorePinned='False'|Proxy.BypassOnLocal='True'| 2019-07-31 09:47:11,696 16072 [DEBUG] - _ Chocolatey:ChocolateyUpgradeCommand - Normal Run Mode _ 2019-07-31 09:47:11,712 16072 [INFO ] - Upgrading the following packages: 2019-07-31 09:47:11,712 16072 [INFO ] - wget 2019-07-31 09:47:11,712 16072 [INFO ] - By upgrading you accept licenses for the packages. 2019-07-31 09:47:11,790 16072 [WARN ] - wget is not installed. Installing... 2019-07-31 09:47:11,806 16072 [DEBUG] - Using 'https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/'. 2019-07-31 09:47:12,184 16072 [DEBUG] - - Supports prereleases? 'True'. 2019-07-31 09:47:12,200 16072 [DEBUG] - - Is ServiceBased? 'True'. 2019-07-31 09:47:12,481 16072 [DEBUG] - Package 'wget' found on source 'https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/' 2019-07-31 09:47:18,957 16072 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Installing 'Wget'. 2019-07-31 09:47:18,988 16072 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'LICENSE.txt' to folder 'Wget\legal'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,004 16072 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'VERIFICATION.txt' to folder 'Wget\legal'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,004 16072 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'chocolateyinstall.ps1' to folder 'Wget\tools'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,020 16072 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'wget-1.20.3-win32_x32.zip' to folder 'Wget\tools'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,051 16072 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'wget-1.20.3-win64_x64.zip' to folder 'Wget\tools'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,127 16072 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'Wget.nuspec' to folder 'Wget'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,127 16072 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'Wget.nupkg' to folder 'Wget'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,127 16072 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Successfully installed 'Wget'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,143 16072 [INFO ] - Wget v1.20.3.20190531 [Approved] 2019-07-31 09:47:19,143 16072 [INFO ] - wget package files upgrade completed. Performing other installation steps. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,221 16072 [DEBUG] - Setting installer args for Wget 2019-07-31 09:47:19,221 16072 [DEBUG] - Setting package parameters for Wget 2019-07-31 09:47:19,221 16072 [DEBUG] - Contents of 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1': 2019-07-31 09:47:19,221 16072 [DEBUG] - $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $packageName= 'wget' $toolsDir = "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)" $zipFile = if ((Get-OSArchitectureWidth 64) -and $env:chocolateyForceX86 -ne 'true') { Write-Host "Getting x64 bit zip"; Get-Item "$toolsDir\*_x64.zip" } else { Write-Host "Getting x32 bit zip"; Get-Item "$toolsDir\*_x32.zip" } Get-ChocolateyUnzip -FileFullPath $zipfile -Destination $toolsDir # don't need zips anymore Remove-Item ($toolsDir + '\*.' + 'zip') 2019-07-31 09:47:19,221 16072 [INFO ] - The package Wget wants to run 'chocolateyinstall.ps1'. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,236 16072 [INFO ] - Note: If you don't run this script, the installation will fail. 2019-07-31 09:47:19,236 16072 [INFO ] - Note: To confirm automatically next time, use '-y' or consider: 2019-07-31 09:47:19,236 16072 [INFO ] - choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation 2019-07-31 09:47:19,252 16072 [INFO ] - Do you want to run the script? 2019-07-31 09:47:19,252 16072 [INFO ] - 1) yes 2019-07-31 09:47:19,252 16072 [INFO ] - 2) no 2019-07-31 09:47:19,252 16072 [INFO ] - 3) print 2019-07-31 09:47:21,895 16072 [INFO ] - Choice selected: 'yes' 2019-07-31 09:47:21,911 16072 [DEBUG] - Calling built-in PowerShell host with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ''; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '''] 2019-07-31 09:47:21,911 16072 [DEBUG] - Redirecting System.Management.Automation.resources, Version=, Culture=de-DE, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, requested by '' 2019-07-31 09:47:22,176 16072 [DEBUG] - Host version is 5.1.18362.1, PowerShell Version is '5.1.18362.145' and CLR Version is '4.0.30319.42000'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,686 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,701 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,717 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,732 16072 [DEBUG] - Loading community extensions 2019-07-31 09:47:22,732 16072 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-core\chocolatey-core.psm1' 2019-07-31 09:47:22,732 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-core\chocolatey-core.psm1'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,815 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,815 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,815 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,815 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,815 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,815 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,815 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebContent'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Register-Application'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebContent'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Register-Application'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,830 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,846 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,862 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebContent'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Register-Application'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,877 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,893 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,893 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,893 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,893 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,893 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Format-FileSize'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,908 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebContent'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,924 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,940 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-Vsix'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Register-Application'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,955 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'refreshenv'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2019-07-31 09:47:22,971 16072 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2019-07-31 09:47:23,018 16072 [DEBUG] - Running 'ChocolateyScriptRunner' for Wget v1.20.3.20190531 with packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1', packageFolder:'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget', installArguments: '', packageParameters: '', 2019-07-31 09:47:23,018 16072 [DEBUG] - Running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,049 16072 [DEBUG] - Running Get-OSArchitectureWidth -compare '64' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,049 16072 [INFO ] - Getting x64 bit zip 2019-07-31 09:47:23,080 16072 [DEBUG] - Running Get-ChocolateyUnzip -fileFullPath 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\wget-1.20.3-win64_x64.zip' -destination 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,080 16072 [DEBUG] - Running Get-ProcessorBits -compare '32' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,080 16072 [INFO ] - Extracting C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\wget-1.20.3-win64_x64.zip to C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools... 2019-07-31 09:47:23,096 16072 [DEBUG] - 7zip found at 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\7z.exe' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,096 16072 [DEBUG] - Executing command ['C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\7z.exe' x -aoa -bd -bb1 -o"C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools" -y "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\wget-1.20.3-win64_x64.zip"] 2019-07-31 09:47:23,127 16072 [ERROR] - ERROR: Exception calling "Start" with "0" argument(s): "Der Verzeichnisname ist ungültig" 2019-07-31 09:47:23,143 16072 [DEBUG] - Built-in PowerShell host called with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ''; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '''] exited with '-1'. 2019-07-31 09:47:23,143 16072 [DEBUG] - Calling command ['"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shutdown.exe" /a'] 2019-07-31 09:47:23,174 16072 [DEBUG] - Command ['"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shutdown.exe" /a'] exited with '1116' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,236 16072 [DEBUG] - Capturing package files in 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,268 16072 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\Wget.nupkg' with checksum 'C9E5215AAC0F8F5DE6A90658F255116B' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,268 16072 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\Wget.nuspec' with checksum 'B9BB3DDA6EDE492398D26EBBC3721A45' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,268 16072 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\legal\LICENSE.txt' with checksum '0189D95CA35796CEFDEFE06930B6DDD4' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,268 16072 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\legal\VERIFICATION.txt' with checksum '1862494A5707096DD093143224E7CCAC' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,268 16072 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1' with checksum '3BD0BBBA6ED255F39D9AE34444ABE18D' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,283 16072 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\wget-1.20.3-win32_x32.zip' with checksum '643564E34805C925BA0901CB4CBA6EFA' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,299 16072 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\wget-1.20.3-win64_x64.zip' with checksum 'FF08F8A16E70C54B5B529A89A2250B09' 2019-07-31 09:47:23,315 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Wget.\.arguments". 2019-07-31 09:47:23,315 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Wget.\.extra". 2019-07-31 09:47:23,315 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Wget.\.version". 2019-07-31 09:47:23,315 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Wget.\.sxs". 2019-07-31 09:47:23,315 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Wget.\.pin". 2019-07-31 09:47:23,315 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bad\Wget". 2019-07-31 09:47:23,315 16072 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'HandlePackageResultCompletedMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2019-07-31 09:47:23,315 16072 [ERROR] - The upgrade of wget was NOT successful. 2019-07-31 09:47:23,330 16072 [ERROR] - Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1'. See log for details. 2019-07-31 09:47:23,330 16072 [DEBUG] - Moving 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget' to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bad\Wget' 2019-07-31 09:47:25,338 16072 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\Users\mail\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache\Wget.". 2019-07-31 09:47:25,369 16072 [WARN ] - Chocolatey upgraded 0/1 packages. 1 packages failed. See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log). 2019-07-31 09:47:25,369 16072 [INFO ] - 2019-07-31 09:47:25,369 16072 [ERROR] - Failures 2019-07-31 09:47:25,369 16072 [ERROR] - - wget (exited -1) - Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Wget\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1'. See log for details. 2019-07-31 09:47:25,369 16072 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PostRunMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2019-07-31 09:47:25,384 16072 [DEBUG] - Exiting with -1