Watching Flux

We are tracking important (new) features of the Flux query language here to complement Getting started with Flux.

Disclaimer: Please be aware features listed here are mostly not available from any InfluxDB at publishing time, when using InfluxDB 1.7.x GA-builds, users usually will have to wait for a while until new Flux releases will be rolled into regular InfluxDB releases. influxdb/ at 1.7 · influxdata/influxdb · GitHub is the right place to monitor this.

The best place to monitor what’s happening in Flux itself would be to it’s releases page on GitHub at Releases · influxdata/flux · GitHub.

Support for dynamic queries (#1090)

It looks like

has landed eight days ago.

The use case is to be able to use the result of a query in part of another query.

After switching from InfluxQL to Flux during the InfluxDB 1.x to 2.x transition, it looks like the future of Flux is not clear wrt. the transition to InfluxDB 3.x. Thanks for sharing, @proddata.

A few valuable news on this topic…
