Watchdog Timer (WDT) for different platforms


Many AVR’s contain an ‘Enhanced Watchdog Timer’ (WDT) which runs independently on a separate on-chip 128KHz oscilliator. The Watchdog Timer is typically used for pre-defined system reset duties (i.e. as a fail-safe or protection mechanism against system crashes). However, given that it has its own interrupt vector, the WatchDog Timer may also be used as a regular (albeit relatively restricted) time counter for managing a user-defined Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).

GitHub - nadavmatalon/WatchDog: AVR WatchDog Timer Functions

Teensy 3.1 and 3.2

Dan writes:

I have had an ongoing Teensy project that is rather complex. Once in a great while (months), one of the units will hang somewhere in networking code. This is unacceptable and I’ve needed to implement a WDT, but I’ve been hesitant because I’ve not seen an obvious and simple example and I’ve been under the impression it is easy to brick a Teensy if the WDT is not implemented correctly.

After two network hangs in a matter of weeks, I decided I couldn’t put off WDT any longer.

This post is a summary of my research of implementing WDT with (I hope) simple example programs to show how to implement it yourself.

Watch Dog Timer (WDT) for Teensy 3.1 and 3.2 | Big Dan the Blogging Man
Teensy 3.0 Watchdog Timer | Teensy Forum