We will be happy to support you regarding the radio-based firmware. The work together with you and @Thias on the node-wifi-mqtt.ino firmware was fun and lead to well documented code which is easy to follow. Let’s do the same for radio!
Currently, we have two radio-based node firmwares:
Dear Andreas,
Yes! Hope we will be able to do at least the same :-)
It seems the BERadio can show better efficiency, then we will start performing our tests with it. However, hope we will be able to test and characterize the CSV firmware as well.
Regarding the custom PCB design, well, I forgot about the great Hallard Gateway :-), thus, we will adopt it: thanks again!
@einsiedlerkrebs and me just contemplated about possible embedded solutions for wireless infrastructure again. While doing that, we actually found there’s currently no firmware available for the Hallard Gateway. We will try to summarize the status quo about this question in a different topic. Just wanted to get back to you right now that currently there doesn’t seem to be a bells-and-whistles solution available, especially not for a ESP-based setup.
we tried our best to summarize the current state about radio-based telemetry setups. We are currently using an AVR-based solution on both the sensor-node and the gateway side at one of our sites:
But of course we are also aiming at an ESP-based setup on the gateway side (both using standard RFM69, but in the future also using RFM95/LoRa):
As you can read from the summary about AVR above, we are currently using the JeeLink USB dongle with a RFM95 radio module. The JeeLink is plugged into a RaspberryPi SoC machine.
Regarding the next steps / utilizing different hardware by tapping into an ESP-based gateway, my personal favorite would be to use the Hallard RFM69/LoRa WiFi Gateway hardware together with our Generic firmware as this already uses the RadioHead library, which in turn supports a good number of different radio modules. However, we currently can not provide any support on that combination but would like to see it flying.
In the long run, the LoPy-based solution will offer everything in an integrated package, so i’m looking forward to that as well.