ProBee V by Pavel Mach


Coming from Včelstva online – BeeTech, one of the beehive systems used is probably ProBee V by Pavel Mach of Softech spol. s r.o. (Plzen), see Monitorování včelstev | and ProBee - elektronický monitoring včelstev - P. Mach.pdf (4.5 MB).

ProBee & IBM - English version

ProBee & IBM - Czech version

What is ProBee?

Set of equipment for electronic monitoring of bee colonies, online presentation of results and their evaluation together with records of all activities of the beekeeper.

Who is it for?

Remote colony monitoring system can be useful for all categories of beekeepers.

Beginners need to know what is happening in the beehive and how to respond to detected unusual states.

Experienced hobby beekeepers appreciate when they can deal mainly with the pleasant side of beekeeping and do not need to solve problems in stress.

Professional beekeepers want to be aware of the condition in their hives with minimal demands on personal visits to their apiaries, so that they save time and costs. But when it comes to a need of intervention, knowing the situation in advance will help them take fast and appropriate action.

Generally, all owners of bee colonies who usually cannot visit their bees so often will appreciate the possibility of a remote inspection to see whether everything is in order, as well as getting an alert in case of arising problem.

What can be monitored remotely?

The ProBee system consists of several parts that are offered and can be obtained separately.

  • acoustic behavior in the colony
  • temperature in the colony
  • temperature outside
  • weight of hive
  • movement of hive/motion
  • GPS tracking of hive on the map
  • visual monitoring – at the bottom, all apiary, at beehive entrance
  • weather

All of these phenomena are displayed online in the ProBee beekeeper’s diary.

Telemetry options

  • Sigfox
  • GSM


UI demo

More videos




Acoustic sensor

GPS Tracker


ProBee – how to use the Sigfox hive scale

Original resources